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universitas buenos aires bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "universitas buenos aires"
  • In 1948, Guevara entered the University of Buenos Aires to study medicine.
    Pada tahun 1948, Guevara masuk Universitas Buenos Aires dan mengambil jurusan kedokteran.
  • He enrolled at the University of Buenos Aires Law School, and earned a juris doctor in 1972.
    Ia masuk Sekolah Hukum Universitas Buenos Aires, dan meraih gelar juris doctor pada 1972.
  • He obtained degrees as bachelor of social services at the University of Buenos Aires and as doctor of theology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina.
    Ia memperoleh gelar sarjana sebagai layanan sosial di Universitas Buenos Aires dan sebagai dokter teologi di Kepausan Universitas Katolik Argentina.
  • Puenzo studied literature at the University of Buenos Aires and proceeded to attend the ENERC, film school of the National Film Institute from Argentina (INCAA), where she graduated.
    Puenzo belajar sastra di Universitas Buenos Aires dan masuk National Film Institute (INCAA), yang juga berada di Bueno Aires.
  • Terragno was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1943 and obtained a Law Degree from the University of Buenos Aires in 1967, founding the law firm of Terragno & Associates.
    Terragno lahir di Buenos Aires, Argentina, pada 1943 dan meraih Gelar Hukum dari Universitas Buenos Aires pada 1967, mendirikan firma hukum Terragno & Associates.
  • Born in Buenos Aires, Moreno Ocampo graduated from the University of Buenos Aires Law School in 1978, and from 1980 to 1984 worked as a law clerk in the office of the Solicitor General.
    Moreno-Ocampo lulus pada 1978 dari Sekolah Hukum Universitas Buenos Aires, lalu bekerja sebagai pegawai dari 1980 hingga 1984 di kantor Jaksa Agung Argentina.
  • Other prominent public servants, such as UCR Senator Hipólito Solari Yrigoyen, and left-wing University of Buenos Aires President Rodolfo Puiggrós, narrowly survived Triple A attacks; Puiggrós was then removed from his post.
    Pelayan publik lainnya menonjol, seperti Senator moderat Hipolito Yrigoyen Solari dan sayap kiri Universitas Buenos Aires Presiden Rodolfo Puiggrós, lolos Triple A serangan dengan kehidupan mereka.
  • Although born in France, Leloir received the majority of his education at the University of Buenos Aires and was director of the private research group Fundación Instituto Campomar until his death in 1987.
    Leloir lahir di Prancis namun ia menerima sebagian besar pendidikannya di Universitas Buenos Aires dan menjadi direktur di grup penelitian swasta Fundación Instituto Campomar hingga kematiannya pada tahun 1987.